What motivates a surrogate to carry a baby for someone else?
Through our decades of experience working with the incredible women who become surrogates, the CACRM team has learned some of the most important reasons women apply to our surrogate program. Here are their top six reasons to become a surrogate and other motivations:
Enjoying pregnancy is an essential prerequisite of being a surrogate. Most surrogates tell us they loved their pregnancies, though maybe not morning sickness! They may be finished having their own babies but still enjoy the warm and beautiful feeling of carrying new life.
Surrogacy gives women another chance to experience pregnancy when they have completed their own family.
Many surrogate candidates tell us that a close friend or family member who experienced infertility inspired them to become a surrogate. Maybe it was a favorite aunt and uncle who never had children. Perhaps a dear friend who suffered from being unable to conceive. Being a surrogate is a way for them to help someone else have a baby and ‘give back.’
Gestational carriers love motherhood, and they desire to give this precious gift to individuals who cannot become parents any other way than through surrogacy.
Some women have described their surrogacy experience as an opportunity to do something life-changing. Giving the gift of parenthood definitely fits that description.
Many surrogates use the compensation they receive from surrogacy for their own life-changing goals. These goals could be buying a house, paying for their children’s education, increasing their nest egg, and saving for other milestones. In the screening and evaluation process, we emphasize that surrogates need a reliable source of income during their journeys. But the compensation they earn from surrogacy can go a long way towards fulfilling some of their own dreams.
Surrogates and their intended parents often develop strong, meaningful relationships with each other through the shared experience of bringing a baby into the world. These relationships can extend to the surrogate’s partner, children, family, and friends. Some surrogacy pairings develop lifelong friendships while others last only for the duration of the pregnancy. To many surrogates for these types of meaningful connections are important.
These are three characteristics that describe CACRM gestational surrogates. Though surrogacy gives these women many rewards, it also requires some sacrifice. We have found candidates having personal qualities such as generosity, kindness, and compassion make excellent gestational carriers. These resilient women can handle the challenges and enjoy the blessings of surrogacy.
Our experience has shown there are many reasons to become a surrogate. If you are a mother who has been thinking about giving the gift of surrogacy, please read more here.