Surrogate mothers, after a thorough screening and medical evaluation, are approved to carry and deliver an intended parent’s child. Today, most surrogate mothers are gestational surrogates and undergo an IVF/embryo transfer, which means there are no genetic ties to the baby.
Using a technique called in vitro fertilization (IVF), an egg is gathered from the biological mother and fertilized with sperm from the father. From there, the embryo is placed into the uterus of the (gestational) surrogate mother.
If you and your partner have been struggling with infertility and treatments haven’t been successful, you may be considering a surrogate mother.
Choosing a surrogate to carry your child is a big decision for any parent. At California Center for Reproductive Medicine (CACRM), a San Diego fertility center, all surrogate mothers must pass a background check, a complete psychological screening and medical evaluation to ensure she is mentally stable and in good health. We conduct medical screenings to confirm the potential surrogate does not have any infectious diseases, confirm that vaccinations are up to date, and no drugs or alcohol present in the body. We also perform a detailed evaluation by ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus and a hysteroscopy to evaluate the uterine cavity to determine exactly where the embryos will be transferred before you even meet the surrogate mother.
At CACRM, we offer a physician-led surrogacy program, which means we’ll help you choose the right surrogate for you and your family and guide you throughout the entire pregnancy. However, it’s important to make sure you’re comfortable with your decision. Here are some essential surrogate qualities to keep in mind as you move through the process:
For safe, skilled treatment at an accredited San Diego fertility center, please call CACRM at 760-274-2000 to learn more or to schedule an initial consultation. Dr. Arnold is a board-certified fertility specialist and world-renowned for her fertility expertise, IVF success, and excellence in medical care.