PGT-a, or preimplantation genetic testing-aneuploidy, has become the most reliable method for gender (sex) selection today. When a woman goes through in vitro fertilization (IVF), multiple eggs are retrieved and then fertilized in the IVF lab. Next, a skilled embryologist takesa small cell sample from each embryo and the biopsy is analyzed. This tells us whether an embryo has any chromosomal abnormalities and identifies whether it has an X and Y chromosome (male) or two X chromosomes (female) before it’s transferred back into the woman’s uterus.
In addition to detecting gender PGT a can also detect chromosomal abnormalities, PGT-a can also identify the sex chromosomes of an embryo and identify the gender. It is often used to help with family balancing or to help families avoid gender specific genetic diseases or conditions.
Family balancing is a term used for gender selection during IVF and helps families who have one or more children of the same sex to have a child of the opposite sex.
Those using IVF have many steps to adhere to, especially if it will be followed by a surrogate pregnancy. Choosing the baby’s gender is an equally complicated process and decision. IVF doesn’t automatically allow for the creation of boy embryos or girl embryos. Instead, it allows for the opportunity to select a specific gender for implantation, should there be high-quality male and female embryos.
If you’re interested in learning more about preimplantation genetic testing-aneuploidy in San Diego, contact California Center for Reproductive Medicine (CACRM) at 760-274-2000. We provide our patients with the utmost respect, confidentiality and individualized care, and offer a full array of fertility treatments and services.